Friday, October 25, 2019

Friday October 25th

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. come
  2. help
  3. run
  4. find
  5. funny

Bonus words:
  1. pumpkin
  2. carve
  3. Halloween

Weekly Highlights:
  • We have begun our Daily 5 Literacy centers. We started off by practicing Read to Self. We also discussed how to care for books, turn the pages carefully, and how important it is to actually be reading the words or pictures rather than “fake reading.”  We practiced reading our Word Wall flashcards. These are words that we want the students to be able to automatically recognize. These “sight” words make it easier when reading as they are not sounding out every word that they read.
  • We learned about syllables this week and practiced clapping/counting syllables in different words.  We learned that every syllable must have a vowel and this is one of mommy e’s jobs (e.g. like in the word apple, ap-ple).  Here are a few videos about syllables:
  • In Math, our new unit is Number Sense and counting strategies.  We practiced counting on from a variety of numbers (e.g. start at 11 and count forwards).  We used counting on and counting back to figure out one more/one less than a given number.  We practiced drawing more than and less than a given set of objects.  For example, there were 5 triangles already drawn and the students were then asked to draw 3 less circles than triangles.  Students were reminded that they were to draw 3 less not 3 (they would only draw 2 circles).  We counted by tens in preparation for our pumpkin seed counting next week, when we will be counting a large amount of objects by first grouping in 10s.  Here are some videos we watched this week:
  • We started our study of pumpkins this week! Each table group had a pumpkin and sketched it carefully by looking at all the details on the outside like a scientist.  We brainstormed adjectives (juicy words) to describe the pumpkin (orange, bumpy, smooth, big).  Then we added the correct labels for each part (stem (peduncle), skin, ribs, blossom end).  We also learned all about the life cycle of a pumpkin by reading books and watching a variety of videos.  We practiced the life cycle by acting it out in a group and then created our own life cycle on paper. All of our pumpkins were generously donated by the Hampton’s Co-op. 
  • We had our very first “Flashlight Friday” and it was so much fun!  We enjoyed reading in the dark using a flashlight with a buddy.  
  • Students were shown a website called spelling city.  This is a great website for your child to use to access the spelling list and play a variety of games to practice their words.  There are some games that you have to pay for but also many free games you can play.  One of our favourite games is Hang Mouse.  
  • We ended the week with a fun activity with our Grade 5 buddies!  We used a variety of monster body pieces to create our own unique monsters.  

On Thursday October 31st your child will be allowed to bring a costume in their backpack.  They will be able to put it on after lunch to wear for the afternoon.  Please do not send swords, guns, face masks, or any scary costumes.  Teachers will not be able to keep track of your child’s costume or accessories, this is your child’s responsibility.  Please ensure that your child can put on and take off their costume independently. Due to allergies students will not be able to bring in treats to share with their friends.

Get your family together and join in the fun for SVS’s Pumpkinella!  Design, carve, or dress up a pumpkin to bring for display.  ONLY ONE DISPLAY PER FAMILY PLEASE!  Bring your pumpkin to the DLC after school on Wednesday October 30th or the morning of Thursday October 31st from 8:20-8:40am.  The pumpkin may have a safer journey if it is not brought to school on the bus.  If you could add a tea-light to the center of your pumpkin, it will add to a special effect when placed in the gym.  Classes will tour the gym throughout the day to enjoy your efforts.  Pumpkins MUST be picked up to go home by Thursday October 31st between 4:00-5:00pm.  Any pumpkins left at school will be composted.  

Pumpkin Activities:
We will be doing activities related to pumpkins over the next few weeks.  Some of the activities we may be doing are: gutting a pumpkin, sorting out the seeds, tasting pumpkin seeds, and baking with the pumpkins.  If your child has an allergy or you would not like them to participate please email your child’s teacher.

Pack In/Pack Out:
Starting this year, we have been attempting to reduce our SVS ecological footprint by moving towards a “Pack In and Pack Out” philosophy.  Once a student has eaten their lunch or snack, the packaging of that item will be put back into their lunch kit and returned home for recycling.  In continuing to support this positive change, please provide a locking baggie for items such as apple cores, yogurt tubes, etc.  The baggie will be returned home with the student each day for composting at home and then should be put back into the lunch kit for the next day.  Help us make a difference!

Artist in Residence:
Ryan Willert has been working at our school painting a mural in our Gathering Space.  The following link is a quick video of his artistic process.
We are only half way done and we are really looking forward to unveiling the whole mural at the end of November. Ryan has also been teaching students about the 4 teachings of the buffalo;
1.    Take Responsibility
2.    Say Sorry
3.    Forgive yourself
4. Forgive others

We will be starting Daily 5 centers in the next 2 weeks.  If you have not sent headphones please send them in as soon as possible.  Please send them in a plastic bag labeled with your child’s name.

Ask Me About:
  1. Draw the following sets.
    1. Draw 2 more circles than squares
    2. Draw 1 less circle than squares
    3. Draw 4 more circles than squares
  1. Count forwards by 1s from any number up to 50. (e.g. start at 28 and count forwards).
  2. Read, read, read!  When approaching unfamiliar words ask your child to look carefully at the word:
·       Do they see any secret story spelling patterns they know?(play-ay)
·       What letter does the word start with, what sound does that letter make?
·       Stretch out the sounds in the word slowly and see if you can figure out what it says
·       Use the flip the sound strategy.  Vowels have more than one sound and sometimes the vowel will be making its second or 3rd sound. Ask your child what other sound that letter can make. (e.g. letter i has 3 sounds.  In the word mind letter i is making it’s 2nd sound-saying his name).  Try the short vowel sound first, if this doesn’t make sense then flip the sound and try the next sound the vowel makes. 

Friday, October 11, 2019

Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that everyone is enjoying their long weekend with friends and family. I just wanted to let everyone know that I will be away all next week (October 15-18th). If you require assistance while I am away please either contact my teaching partner Mel McGivern ( or the office.