Friday, October 4, 2019

Friday October 4th

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words:
  1. up
  2. said
  3. my
  4. see
  5. can

Bonus words:
  1. seven
  2. eight
  3. nine

Weekly Highlights:
  • In literacy, we continued to practice our secret stories and learned the secret story for “ing, ang, ong, ung.”  These four live in the city of Hong Kong where they like to pass the time watching the clock chime their names.  The clock chimes “ING-ANG-ONG-UNG.” We continued to build our alphabet and letter sound knowledge and have been applying this when writing.  Students were also reminded to use the secret stories that they know and use the word wall to help them spell words. 
  • This week in math we have been working a lot on vocabulary.  Students learned about more, less (or fewer), and as many (same).  We looked at different groups of objects and then compared quantities. We also drew and built different quantities using the words more and less.  For example, students were asked to “draw 2 fewer squares than triangles”, or “draw 1 more square than circles.” 
  • We continued to work on printing skills and printed letters Uu, Oo, Qq, Ss, Vv, Ww, and Kk.  When printing, students were reminded to always start at the top.  We also practiced saying the letter sounds and brainstormed words that started with the letters we printed.   
  • In Science we continued to discuss the season of Fall.  Students created a piece of writing to go with the Fall person that they made last week.  When writing their simple sentence (“I like to _________), they were reminded to use the secret stories we have learned and the word wall to help them write their words.  They were also encouraged to use their letter sound knowledge to use kid spelling and to use finger spaces.
  • Orange Shirt Day was on Monday, September 30th. It is a day when we honour the Indigenous children who were sent away to residential schools in Canada and learn more about the history of those schools. We discussed how we would feel if we were taken away from our families and forced to change our way of life. Please see the video about Phyllis’ story:
  • We have begun a fall inchie art project that we will be working on over the next few weeks.  We have completed the first of 4 art pieces, a Fall tree.  Students sponge painted the background, then painted a Fall tree using brown paint.  They then used tissue paper in fall colours (red, orange, brown, and yellow) to create the leaves.  

Home Reading:
The home reading program has started.  Students went home yesterday with their first home reading book.  Inside the bag they should have a “Just Right Book” at their current reading level as well as a writing journal.   Please ensure that the writing journal and home reading book are returned in this bag.  As a reminder, students should read the book and then write a sentence about it.  The sentence should not be a copying activity.  We want the students writing their own sentence using kid spelling (this may mean that they only record the first and last sound of each of their words).  If you are concerned that the teacher will be unable to read your child’s message you can scribe underneath their kid writing what they have written.  Once they have completed their sentence they should bring their home reading bag back to school to exchange their book for a new one. We ask that your child read and respond to a book at least twice a week.  It is your child’s responsibility to hand in their home reading bag when they are ready to exchange their book.  They are also responsible for selecting a new book from the home reading book cart.  If you feel that the level your child is taking home is too easy/hard please write a note for you child’s teacher.

We are kindly requesting that parents send in a pair of headphones in a plastic bag labeled with your child’s name.  We would like to use these headphones during our Daily 5 stations when doing listen to reading (Raz-Kids).  The headphones will be stored in your child’s individual book box and be kept at school to be used until the end of the year.  Please do not feel obligated to get fancy expensive headphones, dollar store headphones will work fine.  Please ensure that your child is able to independently put on and take off these headphones.  Thank you to those of you who have already sent in headphones.

Hot Lunch:
We now have the school year's lunches/snacks available to order in our Hot Lunch system. You can go in and order the whole year all at once if you like!  Here is the link to the hot lunches system for your convenience: .
Please note below is a list of all the lunches and snacks for the 2019/2020 school year. For all orders the latest you can pay for orders will be the week before the lunch/snack date. The first lunch is coming up on October 17th and if you would like for your child(ren) to participate in this lunch, you need to pay for your order by Thursday, October 10th, 2019.

Communication Books:
Please make sure to check your child’s folder and communication book each day and return it to school. After checking your child’s communication book please leave it open to the current page.  If you have a note for you child’s teacher it can be written in here.  

Artist in Residence
Simons Valley School is pleased to announce that Ryan Jason Allen Willert will be working with the staff and students in the role of Artist in Residence starting this upcoming week. Ryan is a full-time artist and storyteller born and raised in Southern Alberta. Although he was brought up in a non-native community, he has since reconnected with his Blackfoot roots (Siksika Nation). Ryan learned the art of black ink drawing from his father Richard (Dicky) Stimson, another well-known Siksika Nation artist. Among the many exhibitions where he has presented his work are the City of Calgary and Calgary’s Glenbow Museum. Ryan will be sharing the Buffalo teachings with our staff and students and in turn creating a mural in our multipurpose area. Please come hear him speak at the Parent Council meeting Thursday October 10that 7pm.

Labeling Clothing:
Many students have the same jackets, snow pants, and boots.  It is very important that you label your child’s belongings so that we know who they belong to.  This way, if two students are not sure whose boots are whose they can check the label. 

Ask Me About:
  1. Why is Orange Shirt Day important?
  2. Use the links on the side to review letter sounds with your child.  Ask them to record a few simple words related to something they are interested in. Remind them to S-T-R-E-T-C-H out the sounds and listen for and record as many sounds as they can. If your child records the wrong letter, this is okay and you don’t need to immediately correct them. We want to increase their confidence in writing independently writing (eg. “lgo” for Lego, “scr” for soccer, “dns” for dance).
  3. Ask your child to draw the following sets:
    1. More circles than squares
    2. Fewer circles than squares
    3. As many circles as squares