Friday, November 8, 2019

Friday Nov. 8

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

Please make sure to read the entire blog as there are some important reminders we include each week.  
If you are viewing the blog on your phone, you will be able to see the blog message, but unable to see anything on the sides of our blog such as important dates and favourite websites.   If you would like to see everything on our blog you will need to click on “View web version” at the bottom of the page.  

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. with
  2. they
  3. but
  4. on
  5. at

Weekly Highlights:
  • In writing this week we talked about what adjectives are and how we can use them to improve our sentences.  Including an adjective helps our readers to visualize what we are communicating.  We will be working on using adjectives over the next few weeks.  We also talked about writing expectations and what good writing looks like.  Students then completed a piece of writing related to the season of Fall, demonstrating their best work.  Some of the things we expect to see in students writing are:
    • Capitalizing the word “I”
    • Starting sentences with an uppercase letter
    • Stretching out and writing as many sounds as possible to make the words easier for others to read (“elefnt”  for elephant rather than “et”)
    • Using finger spaces between words
    • Using the word wall and secret stories to spell words correctly
    • Ending sentences with punctuation (exclamation mark, question mark, period)
    • Beginning to use juicy words (adjectives)
    • Being able to read their work to others and that their sentences make sense
  • We learned about Remembrance Day this week and how fortunate we are to live in a country that is peaceful.  Our grade 6 buddies worked with us to write a message of peace and make paper origami cranes that were displayed during our Remembrance Day Assembly.
  • We read a story about Peace called What does Peace Feel Like by Vladimir Radunsky.  We brainstormed what peace: sounds like, feels like, smells like, tastes like, and looks like.  We then created our own poems about peace.  Here are some of the ideas students came up with:
    • Peace feels like a squishy stuffy.
    • Peace  sounds like a waterfall.
    • Peace looks like sharing toys.
    • Peace smells like roasted marshmallows.
    • Peace tastes like hot chocolate.
  • In math this week we focused on the concepts of more and fewer.  We practiced using a variety of tools/strategies to figure out how many more and how many fewer.  Some of the tools/strategies we used were: our fingers, drawing pictures, counting on and counting back, number lines, ten frames, and the 100s chart.  We practiced counting forwards from a variety of numbers to 100 and backwards from 20-0.  We also learned about the teen numbers and that the 1 in the teen numbers is actually 10.  We practiced writing teen numbers remembering to put the 1 first when writing them.  We also practiced counting the teen numbers and remembering to say “teen” and not “tee.”  E.g. “seventeen” not “seventee.”
  • Our Artist in Residence, Ryan Willert invited students and staff to contribute to his mural by painting our handprints on the wall.  This beautiful art piece will be revealed on our Giving and Gathering evening later this month (on November 28th at 6:30). Please know that this night will be replacing a Winter concert. During this night we will have a blessing for the mural. Following the reveal we will have a night of giving. There will be stations set up around the school where we will work to help our community. Some stations are:
    • Decorating boxes and collecting for the food bank
    • Creating SVS kindness rocks
    • Creating birthday bags for the food bank
    • Creating cards for Meals on Wheels
    • Decorating boxes for SVS hampers
  • We completed our last two inchies for our fall inchie art project.  For our first piece, we created a patterned pumpkin by painting an orange pumpkin and a green background. We then used black fineliners to draw patterns on our pumpkin. For example hearts, swirls or triangles. After learning that doves are a symbol for peace we created our second inchie art piece.  To create the background we used the pointillism technique with a variety of colours.  Then, we cut out a white dove and glued it on top.

Teachers Pet:
The grade 1 students will be taking part in a Teacher’s Pet Program called My World, on Wednesday November 13th.  The cost of this activity is $14.00 and payments should be made online using your mycbe account. You can use the following link to reach the login page:
If you have your volunteer security clearance we are still in need of a few volunteers to ensure the success of this activity.  Please email to sign up.

Cold Weather:
As the weather is becoming colder it is extremely important that your child is dressed properly for the weather each day. This includes hats, mitts, snow pants, boots and a winter coat. Many students have been showing up underdressed for the cold temperatures. As per the CBE Cold Weather Guidelines students will be outside for recess unless the temperature is below -20 (with wind chill).  As we are working towards building independence in all of the students, your child should be able to independently dress themselves.  This includes putting on snow pants, mittens, and zipping up their own zippers.  Please practice these skills at home so that your child can do this quickly at school.  

Student Led Conferences:
Student Led Conferences will be open for booking using your mycbe account on November 15th at 4pm.  When attending these conferences, you must bring your child with you.  These conferences are not a sit down conference with your child’s teacher but rather a chance for your child to share their learning with you.  Student Led Conferences will be on Thursday November 21 4:30-8pm and Friday November 22 8:30-1:30pm.  When you arrive for your conference there is no need to knock, you may just enter the classroom.  There will be multiple families in the classroom for each time slot.

Raz-Kids is a great way for your child to practice reading everyday.  They can listen to the book, read the book, and then answer a comprehension quiz.  Your child’s Raz-Kids login card was glued into the front of their communication book.  You can download the app for free and it can easily be used on an ipad, computer, or cell phone. 

Communication Books:
Please ensure that you are checking your child’s communication book for messages each day.  Please initial any notes written by the teacher to indicate that you have read the message. 

If you are interested in volunteering please make sure that you have completed the security clearance.  Please speak with the office or our grade 1 volunteer coordinator Kirsten ( if you would like more information about how to complete this.  We are looking for volunteers for:
  • Field Trips
  • Seasonal walks to Nose Hill
  • To help with classroom jobs (cutting, pasting, putting up bulletin boards, etc.)
  • Reading with students (The first 15-30 minutes of the day: 9:10-9:40am and the first 15- 30 minutes after lunch: 1:00-1:30pm)

Ask Me About:
1)    Log into your Raz-Kids account and read at least 3 books this weekend!
2)    Practice writing a sentence at home including the expectations discussed above.
3)    Practice counting:
a)   Forwards from a variety of numbers to 100
b)   Backwards from 20-0
4)    Write the following teen numbers:
a)   Twelve
b)   eighteen
c)    fifteen
d)   thirteen
e)    eleven