Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Grade 1 Class Adjustment

Please see the following note that went home today from the office:

Dear Parents/Guardians:
In response to the recent budgetary adjustments resulting in the termination of a temporary teaching position within the grade one team it is necessary to regroup Mrs. Pawlak’s class into the remaining four classrooms.  Class size will be moving from an average of 19 to approximately 23 students across these four classes. 
Administration and the grade one team have created four balanced classrooms reflecting factors such as gender, friendships and learner complexity.  Mrs. Pawlak will be deployed from January 27th to February 7, 2020 to support student transitions and spend time in each of the four grade one classrooms to collaborate with the team members on each students learning and social needs.
Our grade one team plans, assesses and uses common resources which will ensure program continuity between all of the classrooms.  They are a strong experienced and caring group of educators and I am confident that all students will continue to receive excellent instruction, feel a sense of belonging and thrive in the new classroom configuration.
Parents will be receiving a phone call from administration if their student will be transitioning out of the existing classroom space to a new instructional space and teacher on Thursday January 23, 2020.
Teachers receiving these students will contact parents to introduce themselves and provide the opportunity for a meeting at a mutually agreed time during the week of February 3rd to 7, 2020.
If you have any further questions or concerns please contact administration through our office at 403-777-6660.


Christopher Snow
Principal / Simons Valley