Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Wednesday Feb. 12th

Hello Parents/Guardians! 
NO SCHOOL Thursday Feb.13th , Friday Feb.14th, and Monday Feb.17th.  
Please enjoy your long weekend! 
Classes resume on Tuesday February 18th.

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. her
  2. some
  3. as
  4. then
  5. could

Weekly Highlights:
  • This week we continued discussing the theme of kindness. We talked about how we can extend kindness not only to our friends and family, but also to our community. We created kindness cards, by writing notes to a community member. Some ideas from our notes were, “I hope you have a good day at work,” “You are beautiful,” or telling jokes. We then worked with our grade 5 buddies to complete a guided drawing of two hugging hearts. We ended our week by going for a walk through the communities of MacEwen/Sandstone to deliver these cards in mailboxes. Thank you to all the volunteers who came on our walk with us! 
  • With our Grade 5 buddies this week we used google maps to look for different landmarks in our community.  It was fun trying to locate things around the school such as the Husky.
  • We learned how to give compliments. First we practiced, by going around the circle and giving compliments to our classmates, such as, “I like your hair today,” “I like how you always try your best,”  or “I like how you are a good friend.” We then created complimats, by writing kind notes to everyone in the class.  We will continue to look for opportunities to compliment our classmates each day.
  • In math, we learned about subtraction this week.  Students learned that subtraction means taking away or breaking apart a group.  Students learned to use pictures to represent a number sentence.  They drew pictures and crossed out the amount they were subtracting. They learned that when you subtract you always start with the largest number and your answer should be less than what you started with.  When subtracting you start with the whole, subtract part, and are left with part.  To prepare for subtraction we have been practicing counting backwards from a variety of numbers between 0 and 20.  Here are some videos that we used to practice counting backwards this week:
  • We enjoyed the nice weather and went skating twice at the Community Rink. Despite some falls, the kids thoroughly enjoyed themselves and were sad that they couldn’t stay out longer!  Thank you to all the volunteers who helped make this a great experience.

Glenbow Museum:
If you have not yet paid for the field trip the cost is $20.00.  Please log into your Power School account to pay this fee.  If you have any issues with payment please contact the office at 403-777-6660. 

Toys & Gum at School:
Please remind your child that toys should be left at home, and that we do not give away or trade toys at school.  
Please also remind them that gum should be left at home.

Ask Me About:
  1. Complete a random act of kindness with your family.
  2. Practice counting:
    1. Forwards 0-20
    2. Backwards 20-0
    3. Counting on from a variety of numbers forwards and backwards. Eg. Start at 11 and count backwards: 11, 10, 9, 8…, Start at 8 and count forwards: 8, 9, 10...
  1. Read, read, read!! (BONUS stars will be awarded to students who use Raz-Kids over the long weekend)