Friday, February 21, 2020

Friday Feb. 21st

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. when
  2. were
  3. them
  4. ask
  5. an

Weekly Highlights:
  • We read the story, The Mitten by Jan Brett, then created our next winter inchie art piece. First, we painted a blue background. Next, we glued colourful tissue paper to create a collage.  We then cut out a mitten shape from our colourful collage and glued it onto our blue background. The final step was gluing on a few snowflakes.
  • To celebrate the 100th day of school we played a game in math called, Race to 100.  Using a 100 chart the students rolled two dice, recorded the number sentence, and solved.  If they solved correctly, they moved their game piece forwards.  The first person to 100 wins the game!  
  • We also celebrated the 100th day of school by thinking about what our life would be like at 100 years old.  Some of the things we brainstormed were: where we would live, who our family members would be, what we would look like, what we would be doing such as still working or being retired, and how we would pass the time.  We then used these ideas to write our own piece about our life at 100 years old.  
  • This week we practiced reading and solving word problems related to addition.  When reading word problems, we looked carefully at the language to tell whether we would be adding or subtracting.  Some of the words that tell us we will be adding are: join, sum, altogether, or more.  We practiced using the words part and whole when describing a number sentence.  Addition is: part + part = whole.  Subtraction is: whole - part = part.  We also practiced making addition and subtraction sentences related to a visual and started learning about fact families.  For example if there are 2 black circles and 6 white circles, we would have the following number sentences:
    • 2 black circles + 6 white circles = 8 circles
    • 6 white circles + 2 black circles = 8 circles
    • 8 circles - 2 black circles = 6 white circles
    • 8 circles - 6 white circles = 2 black circles
  • To help students improve their fluency with addition and subtraction it is important that they can quickly and accurately count forwards and back.  Here is a video that you can use to practice counting to 100:
  • In Social Studies we continued learning about Community and the different landmarks within our community.  We also learned about different landmarks throughout Calgary.  We then created our own class book using inspiration from the book Knufflebunny by Mo Willems and the pigeon character from Mo Willems’s Pigeon series. We each wrote about a different landmark that the pigeon character visited.  Some of the places the pigeon visited were: The Calgary Tower, WinSport (previously C.O.P), Simons Valley School, Tim Hortons, the Calgary Zoo, and the Telus Spark Science Center. We drew our own Pigeon to visit the places we wrote about. 

Glenbow Museum:
Our field trip to the Glenbow Museum is this Monday, February 24th! All of the kids are very excited to be going. Here are a few reminders for our trip:
  • Pack a healthy lunch - kids are often hungry so please send extra snacks
    • We are not bringing backpacks, so please send a lunch bag that is easy for your child to carry.
  • NO NUTS or food that may contain nut products
  • Pack a water bottle
  • Leave snow pants/extra mittens/hats at home
  • Be on time!  We will be boarding the bus at 9:15am.  We will not be waiting for students who arrive late to school.  

Parent – Teacher (Student) Conferences:
There has been a change to the times for the March 19th and 20th Parent – Teacher (Student) Conferences. Thursday, March 19th will be a short day with dismissal at 1:30 pm (like a usual Friday). Appointments will be available from 2:30 – 4:30 pm and 5:30 – 8:00 pm. On Friday, the appointment times will be from 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. You will be notified when conference times are open for bookings. 

Toys & Gum at School:
Please remind your child that toys should be left at home, and that we do not give away or trade toys at school (particularly pokemon cards).  
Please also remind them that gum should be left at home.

Ask Me About:
  1. What landmarks do we know in Calgary?
  2. Read, read, read!! 
  3. Please have your child write 4 number sentences for the visual below into their communication book (2 addition sentences and 2 subtraction sentences)