Friday, February 28, 2020

Friday Feb. 28th

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. over
  2. just
  3. going
  4. walk
  5. think 

Weekly Highlights:
  • We started our week off with our Glenbow Museum field trip.  Thank you to all of the volunteers who came with us and made this trip possible!  We had a wonderful time learning about Indiginous culture, life in the past, observing different artifacts, and having our very first Museum tour.  We created a visual journal page to represent the many things we learned.
  • This week in Math we focused on creating related addition and subtraction facts and learned about Fact Families.  When creating our number sentences we were reminded that we add the two parts to get a total and always subtract from the total (the largest number).  We also played a fact family scoot game where we went around the room and created number sentences for 3 given numbers. For example a card would have the numbers 10, 1, 11.  On our paper we would record 10+1=11, 1+10=11, 11-10=1, 11-1=10. 
  • It was pink shirt day on Wednesday.  Many of us participated by wearing a pink shirt to support anti-bullying and demonstrate kindness.  We were reminded that even though pink shirt day is only one day in the year, kindness should continue everyday all year long!
  • We completed a writing sample related to winter.  When writing, we continue to work on reading what we have written and revising it to make it better.  Some of the things we are looking for in our writing are:
    • Making sure that our sentences make sense and are not missing any words.
    • Finger spaces between words
    • End punctuation (periods, exclamation marks, question marks)
    • Starting sentences with an uppercase letter
    • Stretching out the sounds in the words to record as many letters as possible.  This makes our writing easier for others to read. Rather than just recording the beginning and end sounds, we need to make sure to include middle sounds.  Every syllable in a word should have a vowel (e.g. hibernate: h, hbn, hibnt, hibernt, hibernat).
    • Printing in lowercase letters unless you are writing a name, day of the week, etc.
    • Writing the word I using an uppercase letter
    • Spelling word wall words correctly (our W.O.W words)
  • We finished our 3rd inchie for our Winter inchie project.  We created a winter birch tree using green painters tape to create a tree shape. We then sponge painted over top with blue and purple to create a frosty background. We then added dots of white paint to represent snowflakes.  After peeling off the tape, we completed the tree by adding black lines on the tree to create the bark. 

Glenbow Museum:
Thank you again to our volunteers for coming with us!

Parent – Teacher (Student) Conferences:
There has been a change to the times for the March 19th and 20th Parent – Teacher (Student) Conferences. 
Thursday, March 19th will be a short day with dismissal at 1:30 pm (like a usual Friday). Appointments will be available for the following days/times:
Thursday March 19th: 2:30 – 4:30 pm and 5:30 – 8:00 pm.
Friday March 20th: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. 
You will be notified when conference times are open for bookings. 

Panago Pizza Night with Simons Valley School:
Tonight, Friday February 28th, when you order Panago pizza from the Beacon Hill location, you will receive 15% off any regular priced menu items using the code PANA15.  Beacon Hill Panago Pizza will also donate 15% of the net orders placed on this date back to our school!  
You can order: ONLINE, BY PHONE, or IN PERSON.
Order online at
Order in person at the Beacon Hill Panago Location (#108, 11658 Sarcee Trail NW)
**Please note-this discount will only be available at the Beacon Hill Panago Pizza Location and this offer is not valid with any other promotional offers.

Ask Me About:
  1. 5 Facts I learned at the Glenbow Museum?
  2. If you have time, have your child write about something they enjoy doing.  Have them remember to check their work for the things listed above.
  3. Have your child write number sentences into their communication book for the following fact families:
    1. 9, 4, 5
    2. 4, 12, 8