Friday, March 6, 2020

Friday March 6th

Hello Parents/Guardians! 

W.O.W (Words of the Week) Words: 
  1. from
  2. any
  3. how
  4. know
  5. put

Weekly Highlights:
  • In Social Studies we have been focusing on the topic of Moving Forward from the Past.  We learned the words past, present and future and learned about how things have changed over time. For example, technology has changed how we do daily tasks such as washing our clothes and washing the dishes.  
  • This week in Math we learned how to create our own word problems, remembering to include vocabulary that tells us whether to add or subtract (e.g. leave- subtract, join-add).  We also practiced reading and writing numbers and number words to 20.  Here is a game you can try at home:
  • This week we focused on improving the quality of our work by revising and editing.  We used our winter writing sample from last week to practice this skill.  The things that we improved were:
    • Making sure that our sentences make sense and are not missing any words.
    • Finger spaces between words
    • End punctuation (periods, exclamation marks, question marks)
    • Starting sentences with an uppercase letter
    • Stretching out the sounds in the words to record as many letters as possible.  This makes our writing easier for others to read.  Rather than just recording the beginning and end sounds, we need to make sure to include middle sounds.  Every syllable in a word should have a vowel (e.g. hibernate: h, hbn, hibnt, hibernt, hibernat).
    • Printing in lowercase letters unless you are writing a name, day of the week, etc.
    • Writing the word I using an uppercase letter
    • Spelling word wall words correctly (our W.O.W words)
    • Using adjectives
  • We finished our last inchie for our Winter inchie project.  This project was inspired by the book, Snowmen at Night by Caralyn Buehner.  We created an aerial snowman out of paper and glued it onto a pastel resist background. 
  • This week we worked on demonstrating positive listening skills during daily lessons.  We were reminded to keep our eyes on the teacher and smartboard.  Listening carefully during lessons is important so that you know the assignment steps and can complete your work independently. 
  • We ended the week with CAD (Community Activity Day) where we all went to different activities around the school.  Some of the activities we went to were: Origami, Film, Art, Comics, and Zumba.

Parent – Teacher (Student) Conferences:
Parent - Teacher (student) Conferences are on March 19th and March 20th.
Thursday, March 19th will be a short day with dismissal at 1:30 pm (like a usual Friday). Appointments will be available for the following days/times:
Thursday March 19th: 2:30 – 4:30 pm and 5:30 – 8:00 pm.
Friday March 20th: 9:00 am – 12:30 pm. 
You will be notified when conference times are open for bookings. 

Pajama Movie Day:
In celebration of earning all of our classroom gems, Ms. Boston & Mrs. McGivern’s classes will be having a pajama movie day on Thursday March 12th.  Students are allowed to wear their pajamas and bring their favourite stuffy. 

Scholastic Book Fair:
Simons Valley School will be having our yearly Scholastic Book Fair.  Ms. Boston & Mrs. McGivern’s classes will be browsing the book fair on Wednesday March 18th.  Students can bring money on Thursday March 19th to purchase items.  All prices will include the gst.  When sending money with your child please put it in a bag labeled with the amount you are sending as well as the name of your child.  Please put this money into their mail folder.  The book fair will also be open during conferences at the following times:
Thursday March 19 2:30-8pm and Friday march 20th 9am-12pm
The book fair will not be open during recess, lunch, and after school.
The book fair is optional and is a great way to raise money for books and games for the school.

Winter Sports Day Volunteers:
Winter Sports Day will be on Friday March 13th.  Students will be participating in a variety of outdoor activities such as: snowman building, sledding, hoola hoops, tug of war, and a hot chocolate and cookie station.  This Winter Sports Day will run from approximately 12:00-1:15pm.  
We are looking for volunteers to help with this activity.  If you are available to help and have completed your security clearance please contact Ms. Latham at

School Field/Playground Areas:
With the snow beginning to melt there are many mud puddles in our play areas.  Please remind your child to stay out of them even if they have boots on.  It is a good idea to send your child with an extra change of clothes  in their backpack just in case.

Ask Me About:
  • Write the number for the following number words:
    1. Fourteen
    2. Eighteen
    3. Eleven
    4. Twenty